What a legacy of faith! From the early colonialism through Revolution and more, through Awakenings and Revivalism, Enlightenment through Atomic Age and now to post modern and beyond, this congregation has weathered much change. And what can be said for resilience, except that the Spirit of Christ has abounded among us, and will continue as we humbly acknowledge Christ as our source and wellspring, from which all good things come.

Rev. Dr. Peter Kelley Minister

Rev. Dr. Peter Kelley

Leadership of the First Presbyterian Church

Clerk of Session:  Liz Burns – clerk@fpcsouthold.org

Elders Class of 2025                   Elders Class of 2026                             Elders Class of 2027

Karen Murray John Touhey Vicki DeFriest Colleen Clark Stewart Ross Sue Ketcham Ralph Edwards David Collins Marla Koster Susan Russell Liz Burns Ashley Loreto Vacant Paul Geiger Caroline MacArthur

Deacons Class of 2025           Deacons Class of 2026                     Deacons Class of 2027

Muffie Baker Doug Corrigan Jay Batterman Doug MacArthur Garrett DeFriest Karen Danzer Betty Kiernan Kathy Geiger Faith Finne Bonnie Zellner Brian Connolly Fred Lee Vacant Penny Kelley Heather MacArthur

 Church Staff

Minister:  Peter Kelley

Music Director: Daniel Koontz

Faith Facilitator/Admin:  Jan Falkowski

Office Administration:  Eileen Sayre

The Session Teams and Leaders

The Committees of the Session

Buildings and Grounds

The Buildings and Grounds Committee is responsible for the acquisition, maintenance, and disposition of all church facilities, property, grounds, and equipment.  The Property Subcommittee manages the use of the Church Buildings by outside groups and individuals.  Ruling Elder David Collins and Paul Geiger are co-chairpersons.

 Faith Formation

The Faith Formation Committee is responsible for the whole program of Christian Education.  This includes, but is not limited to, Kid’s Church, Adult Education, Vacation Bible School, Confirmation, SALT, and the Youth Group.  The Committee is responsible for leaders, resources, volunteers, and facilities for the education work of the church.  The Faith Formation committee also relates to the Personnel Committee for the purpose of overseeing and supporting the work of the Facilitator of Spiritual Formation.  Ruling Elder Susan Russell and Ashley Loreto are co-chairs.


The Mission Committee is responsible for interpreting the church’s mission, local, regional, national and global, to the congregation.  This Committee is responsible for the annual Mission Budget.  All ongoing congregational mission initiatives fall under the work of this committee, including but not limited to, Maureen’s Haven, Mission Trips, The Giving Tree, One Great Hour of Sharing Offering, Peace and Global Witness Offering, and Christmas Joy Offering.  The Mission Committee collaborates with Faith Formation on various mission efforts.  Ruling Elder Colleen Clark and Karen Murray are co-chairpersons.

 Fellowship and Hospitality

The Fellowship and Hospitality Committee is responsible for Fellowship Hour on Sundays.  This Committee also supports every group in the church as they seek to implement events by making certain that the church and kitchens are properly stocked with all necessary supplies and equipment (paper goods, juices, coffee, coffee makers, all kitchen supplies, fellowship time items, etc.) for all events in the life of the church.  Ruling Elder Stewert Ross is the chairperson.

 Membership and Community Outreach

Membership and Community Outreach is responsible for seeking out prospective new members of the congregation, keeping an accurate list of visitors to worship, providing for new member classes when needed, and for the assimilation of newer members into active participation in the church.  The Church Growth Committee is also responsible for visitation of inactive members, and maintenance of an accurate church roll and its annual revision.  This Committee is also responsible for the church’s communication network, including but not limited to the church website, newsletter, social media, bulletin boards, and timely advertisements in local media outlets. 

Stewardship and Finance Committee

The Stewardship and Finance Committee is responsible for the annual budget in coordination with the Session, and for the ongoing program of receiving pledges of financial support.  Interpretation of a theology of stewardship encompassing all of life is part of this Committee’s responsibilities.  This Committee oversees and supports the work of the Office Administrator (Eileen Sayre).  The Investment Subcommittee oversees the church’s financial portfolio.  Ruling Elder Ralph Edwards is the Chairperson.


The Worship Committee is responsible for all worship activities of the church.  In collaboration with the Music Staff Daniel Koontz.  The Worship Committee is responsible for the music program, including maintenance of the organ and all musical instruments and equipment.  This Committee works with the Music Staff and Pastor to arrange and provide for meaningful worship experiences.  Ushers and Greeters for Sunday Worship are recruited and supported by this Committee.  The Worship Committee also relates to the Personnel Committee for the purposes of overseeing and supporting the work of the Music Staff.  Ruling Elder


The Personnel Committee is responsible for all matters dealing with the ordained ministry of the church, the annual review of the terms of call for the Pastor, for interpreting the concerns of the church to the Pastor, and for interpreting concerns of the Pastor to the Session and the church.  The Personnel Committee is responsible for salary, compensation, and any related policies regarding all lay staff employees, and for resolving personnel issues in consultation with the Pastor.  This Committee oversees and supports the work of the Church Office Staff Eileen Sayre and Jan Falkowski. Ruling Elder John Touhey is the chairperson. 


The Cemetery Committee provides for maintenance and upkeep of the historic Cemetery, property, and Memorial Garden.  This includes tombstone maintenance and repair, as well as various educational and promotional programs related to the cemetery.  The finance subcommittee oversees the management of the financial portfolio, which is held separately from the Church financial portfolio. This Committee also maintains the integrity of the separate but connected relationship to the Session, in accordance with the laws of New York State pertaining to cemeteries. David Kilbride and Margo Bridgen are co-directors, and Ruling Elder Marla Koster is the liaison to the cemetery committee.